Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Daily doodles #9

So my computer decided not to cooperate with rotating images again.... general rule of thumb: If it doesn't look right, turn your head 90 degrees. If it still doesn't look right, step back and look at it. If it still doesn't look right, then it wasn't supposed to look right. Either that or you're wrong.

Thankfully this one uploaded properly. From off the back of the boat:

And another case of misrotation (is that a word? spell check says no. I guess I'm coining it now)

And some smaller randomness sketches:

So today is apparently national internet blackout day in protest of SOPA and PIPA. So here's my honorary blackout:

And by far my favorite black out protest site by the genius at

It looks better on the black out skin of the website, but I'm not sure how long this will stay up there. This guy is a genius. Who wouldn't be inspired to action by the threat of burning kittens? Only heartless people thats who. Make sure you do your part in flooding the government email accounts with emails. make sure you put something about SOPA in the subject because there is no way they are actually opening emails. they probably just delete the entire thing without looking at it but its the thought that counts. And sheer volume. Already politicians are turning against it. If you don't know who you should email, go to wikipedia. even when its blacked out, it still seems to be where everyone sends people to get information....

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