Friday, January 6, 2012

Daily Doodles #2

So here's the second instillation of my daily doodles. today I don't have six because I had actual art classes (you know those classes where you're supposed to draw) and so I did actual work in those classes.

Period 2: so we were talking about the french revolution today in Euro so naturally thats what I was drawing. starting going left to right top to bottom:
Mr. Rowe's Fancy pants Tie, Random unrelated robot from a TV show i can't remember the name of, the bastille, a cannon, a guillotine, and symbols from the board one of which is reminiscent of a  inappropriate object.

Period 3: so this one has random crap on it. a sandal and dot monster. then i has a power ranger arm because i needed practice on it for a project.

Period 4: this period I have painting/drawing II, so we have actual assignments. this isn't as much a sketch as a charcoal still life that I got half way through in one class.

Period 6: I spent most of this class counting fruit flies so I didn't get to anything more intriguing than this. Open for interpretation...

Period 7: this is actually a simplified ink sketch of a landscape that will be done in my AP art class. I rotated the image file to get it upright but for some reason it rotated back when i  uploaded so just turn your head to the right.

Period 8: For better or for worse I don't have my work from this class. the was an artist showing us and one of the Chinese classes brush painting on rice paper. The ink wasn't bad but the paper was horribly frustrating. So was the chinese teacher going ape shit behind me yelling at the chinese class. And on top of that we were forced to draw shrimp. And we had a fire drill. And my landscape painting got interrupted by the chinese teacher literally grabbing stuff out from under me and nearly throwing out one of my pieces... so yeah to answer my own statement from before its probably for the better 

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