So this past weekend was Mid-Winter convention for EPA and Hagesher. The name tags I did at International convention in december went over so well that people came to me yet again for my decorating talents.
I'm pretty sure that these Are in chronological order here. The first one is Aaron Myers:
Request: "Draw a fire pit. or something with fire all over it. can you put like an obsidian cliff on it? or a mountain that works too"
Noah Bender: Draw something cool. but not fire or desert-y.
Product: (after tilting your head 90 degrees to the right)
Shara Katlin: "Draw something Pretty with a sun set."
I persnoally think this one came out the best out of all of the ones that I did over the weekend. Lucky her.
I can't exactly remember whose this was... there was a stack I was given and I got the privilege or working on it while getting a viewing of Shir Perfection's practice . It was Part of the saturday night batch that I did. this one is inspired by a picture of painter's point in yellow stone. again you need to tilt your head to see it.
Just keep your head turned....
another saturday night one.
This one was mine which I started first on friday but ran out of time because of shabbat and didn't finish it until saturday night.
This was the last one of saturday night. Dara Levinsky requested this out of my Ipod photo collection:
And the final one of the convention was for Leah Nassau. She was actually the only person who actually gave me something to draw which was nice since I didn't have to take the effort of making stuff up as I went or adapting other pictures I had on my tiny Ipod nano screen. You can't tell in the picture but the sky is slightly blue.
And thats all for now. Hopefully I'll be back to doodling consistently this week..